The 28-year-old young fine artist, Bayan Al-Mizjaji, was distinguished for her creativity and reflection of her passionate spirit in her works.
How did you develop your artistic skills?
With the practice of drawing for fashion and the abundance of meditation, accuracy and depth in the gradations of colors, I decided to create artistic paintings that express each period in which I go through, whether tired in my work as a fashion designer or reflect my personality as a person who dreams of seeing her work in many ways, including design, drawing and fine arts. I decided to embody my soul and my thoughts with paintings as well. The subject is not limited to fashion design only, and this falls under the name of visual arts in general.
What is the best time to produce artwork?Art does not have a specific time or a specific hour, because the artist can be creative and achieve in his/her works at all times. It makes you swim and dive in time by working without realizing it.
Have you ever participated in exhibitions?
I participated in the Medad Art exhibition, which was held in Jeddah, in which I represented the passion that lies within me and the voice of my mind that always tells me not to stop presenting works and art, to continue with love and passion, and to reflect my soul in every work I do.
What is your favourite style of art?I like to reflect my passionate spirit in my works and have a different and distinctive imprint and character, which makes everyone who views my paintings and my art automatically know that Bayan Al-Mizjaji is behind them.
Do you have other identities?
Yes, I am a fashion designer with 9 years of experience and an artist. I love everything related to visual arts, creativity and fine arts.
Is fashion designing related to drawing and art?Yes, of course, every designer must reflect his/her idea in the design with his/her drawing, then starts working by converting it into a physical piece.
What are your dreams in art?
I wish my name would grow bigger and I become a famous designer and an artist with a different mark in my field. I would also like to participate in exhibitions larger than being in Jeddah only. I wish I’d visit Egypt and learn about its civilization and do works that represent Egypt, the art and the spirit of Egypt. I hope I’d find someone who supports me and fulfills my simple dreams. By God’s wish, this dream will come true.
Edited by: @feryalisshaq
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